The teacher I wish ...
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[Sticky] The teacher I wish to become is ….., …., and……..

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Marcin Kleban
Posts: 24
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Joined: 4 years ago

Please add three adjectives to complete the following sentence: The teacher I wish to become is ….., …., and…….. +provide a short explanation.Thanks!

29 Replies
Aneta Dibdakova
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The teacher I wish to become is competent, authentic, and inspiring.

I would like to be the teacher that is good at their work and has knowledge of subject(s) they teach. I like being the authentic teacher because there are already enough robot-like teachers. I want to inspire young people because it is my greatest power as a teacher to motivate students to do whatever they like to do.

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Marcin Kleban
Joined: 4 years ago

Posts: 24

@aneta-dibdakova Thanks Aneta! It's interesting that you mentioned robot-liked students. Can you say more what you mean by this?

Marcin Kleban
Posts: 24
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Joined: 4 years ago

Thanks Aneta! It's interesting that you mentioned robot-liked students. Can you say more what you mean by this?

Pia Leigraf
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The teacher I wish to become is approachable, enthusiastic and competent.

I wish to become a teacher where students know they can come to with all their problems. I don't want the students to see me as a teacher who is only interested in their performance, but as someone with whom you can also have fun sometimes. 

I would also like to become an enthusiastic teacher. I believe that if a teacher enjoys teaching, he/she can better convey the enthusiasm for the subject to the students. 

Besides all this, of course I want to become a teacher who has great knowledge of the subjects to be taught. 

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Marcin Kleban
Joined: 4 years ago

Posts: 24

Hi @pial yes,  teacher's enthusiasm is a game changer in many ways.  Any ideas how to sustain this enthusiasm throughout the entire teaching career?

Pia Leigraf
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I think it's important to keep educate yourself and to exchange new ideas with colleagues regularly. In this way, you can gain new ideas that you look forward to use in class.

Alexia Grande
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The teacher I wish to become is patient, creative, and approachable.

I hope I become a patient teacher so the classroom is a safe space for students to learn without getting frustrated.

Moreover, I wish I become a creative teacher so lessons don’t get boring and children don’t loose interest.

Finally, I want to become an approachable teacher so students can lean on me if they are having difficulties, so they see me as an ally or a guide instead of a teacher who only cares about wether you know the lesson or not.

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