The teacher I wish ...
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[Sticky] The teacher I wish to become is ….., …., and……..

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Soňa Urbánková
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The teacher I wish to become is motivating, empathetic, and responsible.
I want my students to appreciate our lessons together so that they do not become a routine and so that the students want to interact with me. In addition to being a teacher, I would also like to be a mentor—someone who sees their learner or pupil as a unique human being who might also be struggling with their own issues. I want to be a teacher on whom everyone can rely on and who does her work well.

Karolína Dvořáková
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The teacher I wish to become is patient, creative and empathetic. I believe that possesing such qualities is very important for a teacher. Patience allows a teacher to understand that every student has their own learning pace and style, while creativity enables them to find innovative and engaging methods to teach and motivate students. Empathy helps teachers build a connection with their students and better understand their needs and challenges.

Dominika Kocmichová
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The teacher I wish to become is competent, fair, and inspiring.

I assume there are far more adjectives of a teacher I'd like to become, however, these three are the most improtant to me. 🙂

In my opinion, every teacher should be very good at the field they teach that goes without question. 🇺🇸 🇬🇧

As I've experienced an attitude that I think was not right at all, I'd like to become a teacher who is fair to all his/her students.

 In the end I've come to a conclusion - no matter what I teach, my goal should be not to make the the pupils/students loathe my subject, and rather make it interesting, creative for them. 

Matylda Pawlicka
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The teacher I wish to become is sensible, passionate and inspiring.

What I mean by being sensible is having the idea of when to push harder, and when to let go. For me it also means knowing my students and making them feel comfortable in the classroom, so that they can openly talk to me about their thoughts or current emotions, knowing that I would react in a sensible way. Passion is another thing crucial to becoming a teacher in my opinion - it would be very easy to burn out if there is no drive to pursue the career of a scholar. This is quite tightly connected with being inspiring - for me it means sharing the passion for languages and encouraging students to learn, but also being an inspiring person as such, so that after many years the children could think of me as a teacher that was there for them and worked just where they were supposed to :). 

Tereza Krchová
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The teacher I wish to become is fair, patient and empathetic.

As a teacher, I would like to be fair to all my students, so no one feels rejected or privileged.

Patience is one of the key qualities one must have to become a succesful teacher. There will be moments during our teaching careers, when patience will defintitely pay off. Some students can test our boundaries and we have to deal with them with patience and calm.

Empathy is important in every job that requires dealing with people. Teaching is not an exception. I would like to treat my students with respect and emapthy, so they can feel comfortable, confident and fearless. For that I need to know my students needs and feelings, which means observing them and sympathising with them.

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