The teacher I wish ...
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[Sticky] The teacher I wish to become is ….., …., and……..

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Anna Oros Bugár
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The teacher I wish to become is dedicated, adaptable and patient.

Being competent and passionate about what you do is crucial. Enthusiasm is contagious, students can sense it, especially if it goes together with knowledge. If you are a dedicated teacher, you are willing to work on yourself consistently, and then all the rest will follow. 

There is already a gap between us and the generation we are about to teach at schools. Being able to adapt to the ever-changing world, and to the different needs of students and classrooms, keeping up with the pace and variability, and staying up to date all the time is not a simple requirement, but still a must for a good teacher. 

Patience is probably one of the most basic qualities of a teacher, but for me, it is quite a bit challenging to maintain it. I find it the hardest when I know that I am failing to give a clear explanation to my students and I know that it is my fault that they struggle to understand something. We need to stay kind to ourselves. Progress in teaching is a process as well, it takes time. Great teachers are not ready-made.  

Veronika Paldanová
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The teacher I wish to become is reliable, caring and professional.

I hope my students will know that I am there for them. That they can rely on me whenever they think they need.

I believe that teacher who cares about students also tries to understand them and hopefully provides them with what they need.

I wish to be able to help my students grow both personally and professionally. I would like to motivate them to develop their abilities to the maximum with pleasure.

Andrijana Andrijaško
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The teacher I wish to become is up-to-date, creative, and fair.

Up to date:  They stay up to date with the newest technology, teaching methods, and the latest research in their field.

Creative: These teachers are using different types of methods and techniques when teaching. Create or look for materials that provide hands-on learning. They connect their lessons to real life.

Fair: These teachers treat everyone the same. They help students to perform well, are consistent, listen to students to what they got to say, do not see their way as the right way.

Johanna Höfl
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The teacher I wish to become is competent, fair, and enthusiastic.

Competent: I want to be good at the subjects that I teach in order to make my students learn from a competent teacher that is up to date and knows more than just the basics about important topics. I know that it is not always possible to answer all student's questions right away but I want to be able to answer a lot and to know, where I can get the answers from if they exceed my own knowledge.

Fair: All students need to be treated fair. Noone should be judged differently due to their origin, their religion, their family, their style or even their performance in different subjects or different years. I want to give everyone the same chances and grade my tests on objective criteria.

Enthusiastic: I feel like a teacher should like the topics that he or she teaches. When you are enthusiastic about a certain topic, it is easier to put work into creative lessons and also to motivate others to feel the same enthusiasm.

Maria Stanczykiewicz
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The teacher I wish to become is supportive, creative and cheerful.

My students should know that they can always count on my support. I want to encourage them to gain knowledge and take up challenges.

Creativity is essential to make lessons as engaging as possible by using various materials and different teaching methods. When lessons are interesting, students are more motivated to study.

I also would like to be a cheerful teacher with a positive attitude because it helps maintain a friendly atmosphere in the classroom. Moreover, the teacher's enthusiasm makes the students enjoy learning and inspires them to do their best.

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